Terms & Conditions

By booking, you agree to our T&Cs below:

Drop off/collection:

  • Please drop off your child off at the hall on time
  • Please collect your child from outside the hall on time
  • If anyone other then the usual adult will be collecting your child please let us know in advance or at drop off

Class guidelines:

  • Please arrive on time. If your child misses the warm up, it is too late to participate in the class for health and safety reasons. They will be given the option of watching
  • Only bottled water and a notebook and pencil/pen should be brought into the studio. Please leave all coats and bags outside in the hallway on the coat hooks provided.
  • If there is anything which may affect your child's participation, focus, etc that day, please let us know
  • In order for every student to learn and have an enjoyable experience, we do have a behaviour policy in place. Students are encouraged to try their best, follow instructions, display kindness and avoid talking over others (i.e. just being respectful of others and their environment)
  • If a child displays challenging behaviour which is disruptive or unsafe and impacting other children and staff, we will address it with parents and aim to work together with you and your child to improve/resolve it. If, after attempting various ways to do this, the challenging behaviour continues, sadly we will need to ask the child to leave
  • Devices/phones must be switched off/on silent at all times and in your child's bag/jacket. If, in an emergency you need to contact your child you can phone Elevate Arts


  • Please ensure your child wears trainers and suitable attire (sportswear only, no skirts/dresses/denim)
  • Long hair should be tied back
  • Jewellery should be removed
  • Incorrect attire may result in your child being asked to sit and watch for their own safety and the safety of others
  • Merchandise is available and optional

Attendance & punctuality:

  • Attendance is key to progress, aim for at least 85% to ensure your child is getting the most from their classes
  • At the start of class we play a fun game/icebreaker which helps the children socialise and make friends, which, in turn ensures they are comfortable to be themselves and get the most out of class. To avoid your child missing out on this please ensure you arrive on time


If your child/teen is ill (vomiting and/or diarrhoea) please do not bring/send them to class for 48 hours. A cold is fine though.


  • Upon joining all parents/carers are added to our class WhatsApp groups where regular communication, class videos, etc will be posted and parents can ask questions
  • It is parents' responsibility to update contact/medical information on your Class4Kids account if anything changes e.g. you move home or photo permission changes
  • If a parent has an issue or concern with a member of staff or another parent, this must be addressed privately and not within the WhatsApp group or with other parents. We have a formal complaints procedure, if you require this please email info@elevateartsuk.co.uk
  • You can ask about your child's progress at any time. There isn't always time after class, but email or WhatsApp us and we can schedule a call or Zoom to discuss their strengths, areas of improvement and help set them some targets

Payments and refunds:

  • Payments are due on the 1st of each month
  • Class fees are £11 per class which is spread across 12 months. Fees are therefore still due in August if your child is returning in September, even though there are no weekly classes running throughout August
  • Fees from any classes your child attends before your first payment is due on the 1st of the following month will be added as a cover payment to your first payment at the cost of £11 a class
  • If your payment fails it will be tried 2 more times
  • If a payment fails a 3rd time, you will need to restart your subscription. All outstanding fees must be paid before your child can attend their next class
  • We do not issue refunds for missed classes due to illness or for any other reason, e.g. where you are away for a holiday or a friends party
  • If your child can only attend fortnightly due to contact arrangements or for any other reason, the full subscription fee is still payable, no discounts are issued
  • If your child can no longer participate due to an injury, let us know and we can freeze your subscription until they are fit to return (doctors note may be required)
  • If your child is asked to leave due to ongoing challenging behaviour, no refund will be issued.
  • If, for any reason Elevate Arts needs to cancel a class, this will be added onto the next term where possible. Where this is not possible parents can request a refund for that class by emailing us at info@elevateartsuk.co.uk
  • Fees are subject to change and Elevate Arts reserves the right to make changes to payment amounts and/or methods anytime.


  • Our cancellation process is written notice by the 15th of the previous month, via email at info@elevateartsuk.co.uk
  • If notice is given by the 15th and no fees are owed, your payment plan will be cancelled.
  • Cancellations after the 15th will still be charged on the 1st of the following month and cancelled for the next month
  • Classes are charged at £11 a month (trial period not included) and this cost is spread across 12 months. If your child leaves before their 12 month period is up, any fees owed will need to be settled. This will be done with a covering payment on your account. Where this can not be done for any reason, we will email you to request a transfer be sent across to our account.
  • For example, your child joins on 20th April and leaves 27th July - they would have attended 12 classes and you would have made 3 payments - May/June/July totaling £99 plus 2 covering payments of £11 in April. A total of £110, whereas 12 classes would cost £122
  • Whether your child attends all their classes or not does not affect the amount owed for those dates.
  • All fees will need to be settled before Elevate Arts can cancel your payment plan.
  • Parents are not authorised to cancel their own payment plans.
  • Parents who refuse to settle fees will be blacklisted and unable to attend any Elevate Arts classes, camps or events until fees are settled


  • Refunds will not be issued for change of plans or days of sickness
  • If your child can no longer attend the full camp, or, any remining days due to medical reasons, a doctors note will be required for a refund. Only remaining days will be refunded
  • We allow 10 minutes for late collection. After this a £10 fee will be incurred with an additional £1 for every minute past that 10 minute window. This will be billed to your class For Kids account. This is to ensure staff are paid for their time


I understand that there are potential risks of physical injury (Sprains, bruises, etc) associated with the activity of dance and precautionary measures are put in place by Elevate Arts to help minimise risks, including advising parents on the correct footwear and clothing, leading specific warm ups, delivering class content suitable for the physical ability of the children and staff being first aid trained. I hereby release Elevate Arts, its teachers, volunteers and venues from damage, or personal injury associated with participation in the dance activity in which I have registered.

Our full policies and procedures are available upon request, email info@elevateartsuk.co.uk